Dr Samintharaj Kumar
Key words that describe my research interests
Dental Implants, Zygomatic Implants, Metal Free Dental Implants, Ceramic Implants, Zirconia Implants, Same Day Teeth, All on 4, Craniofacial Surgery, Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation, Laser Medicine, Cleft Lip & Palate, Bone Regeneration, Medical & Surgical Education
2000 David B. Scott Research Fellowship. International Association of Dental Research (IADR)
Project Protocol on “Lasers in the Prevention of Root Caries”
2000 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Project, Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore
“Cervical Root Discolouration after placement of different coloured post and core systems”
2004 President Prize Meeting. Section of Odontology, Royal Society of Medicine
“Do UK & Irish undergraduate medical students know enough about oral & maxillofacial surgery?”
2006 S Kumar, A Gilbert, KB Atkinson, J Wright, C Ingham-Clark
Reducing inappropriate admissions for knee arthroscopies; benefit of a “default to day surgery policy” Oral Presentation
British Association of Day Surgery Scientific Conference 2006
2006 Chong D, Kumar S, Forrest CR and Armstrong D. Extended strip craniectomy for sagittal synostosis: outcome measure based on morphometric CT based analysis. 60th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons, Quebec, PQ, June 15, 2006.
2007 Chong D, Kumar S, Armstrong D, Forrest CR. The Extended Strip Craniectomy for Correction of Saggital Synostoses. American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. ACPA Annual Meeting
2007 Chong D, Murray D, Kumar S, Mason A, Forrest C. An Early and Comprehensive Approach to Sagittal Synostoses. American Cleft Palate Association Meeting
2007 T Wildan, S Kumar, M Heliotis. Dentists doing the Graveyard Shift. British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Volume 45, Issue 7, pages e49-e49 (Abstract), 2007.
2010 S Kumar, A Kalantzis. M Heliotis. A Cross-Sectional Survey of Dental Implant Training Among UK and Irish OMFS Specialist Registrars. XX Congress of the European Association for CranioMaxillofacial Surgery (Annual Conference 2010)
2011 S Kumar, M Heliotis. NHS Tendering, Oral Surgery & Maxillofacial Surgery. British Assocation of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting 2011
2012 S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws, Characterisation of coronal suture fusion in a Crouzon murine model. British Assocation of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting 2012
2013 S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws, Putative genes downstream of FGFR2 contributing to coronal suture synostosis in a Crouzon syndrome model. 25th Head Group Meeting 2013.
2013 S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Putative genes downstream of Fgfr2 contributing to coronal craniosynostosis in a Crouzon mouse model. Association of Surgeons in Training Annual Conference 2013.
2013 S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Novel genes downstream of FGFR2 implicated in the pathogenesis of coronal suture synostosis in a Crouzon mouse model. Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Conference 2013.
2013 S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Putative genes downstream of FGFR2 contributing to coronal suture synostosis in a C342Y Crouzon Murine Model. Plastic Surgery Research Council 58th Annual Meeting 2013.
2013 S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Evidence from the Fgfr2C342Y/C342Y Crouzon murine model argues for a primary failure in chondrogenic development. 15th International Society of Craniofacial Surgeons Conference 2013.
2013 S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Putative genes downstream of FGFR2 associated with coronal suture synostosis in a Crouzon syndrome (C342Y) mouse model.15th International Society of Craniofacial Surgeons Conference 2013.
S Kumar, S Weitzel. “The two-artery clip manoeuvre to remove a needle from a foot” Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2005; 87: 476
Jerjes W, Jerjes WK, Swinson B, S Kumar. Leeson R, Wood PJ, Kattan M, Hopper C. ”Midazolam in the reduction of surgical stress: a randomized clinical trial.” Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontology 2005: 100:564-70
N Shah, J V Tighe, A W Barrett, S Kumar, JP Allen. “Bilateral intraparotid and extraparotid Warthin’s tumours” British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (Short Communication) 2005 October
S Kumar, M Cameron, N Shah. “How to become an oral & maxillofacial surgeon” British Medical Journal Career Focus 2006; 332:36-37
W Jerjes, B Swinson, DR Moles, M El-Maaytah, B Banu, M Kumar, M Al Khalwalde, M Vourvachis, H Hadi, S Kumar, C Hopper. “Permanent sensory nerve impairment following third molar surgery: A prospective study.” Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontology 2006 Oct; 102(4) 1-7
Chong D, Kumar S, Forrest CR and Armstrong D. Extended strip craniectomy for sagittal synostosis: outcome measure based on morphometric CT based analysis. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery 14: 101, 2006.
Peskett, E., Kumar, S., Baird, W., Jaiswal, J., Li, M., Patel, P., ...Pauws, E. (2017). Analysis of the Fgfr2C342Y mouse model shows condensation defects due to misregulation of Sox9 expression in prechondrocytic mesenchyme. Biol Open, doi:10.1242/bio.022178
S Kumar, M Cameron. “Do UK & Irish undergraduate medical students know enough about oral & maxillofacial surgery?”. British Assocation of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting 2005
S Kumar, D Chong, C Forrest. Medical Student Electives – The Hospital for Sick Children Perspective. BAPRAS Winter Meeting – 6-8 December 2006
S Kumar, K Kassam, C White, B Visavadia. A pilot study of BioHorizons Implant bony attachment loss in Head & Neck Oncology patients. BioHorizons Global Symposium 2009 Chicago.
S Kumar, M Shorafa, M Kumar The Perfect Maxillofacial Surgical Training Programme ? – the after effects of the Tooke report. British Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting 2009
S Kumar, D Chong. Palatal Debulking in Aperts Syndrome. XX Congress of the European Association for CranioMaxillofacial Surgery (Annual Conference 2010)
S Kumar, A Kalantzis, D Dhariwal. Oral Lipomas – Beware of Being Misled. XX Congress of the European Association for CranioMaxillofacial Surgery (Annual Conference 2010)
S Kumar. The possibility of cis-regulation affecting TWIST1 in Saethre-Chotzen patients ?”. British Assocation of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting 2011
S Kumar, SRF Twigg, AOM Wilkie. The basis for a tiliing array around TWIST1 and its relevance to genetically undiagnosed Saethre-Chotzen syndrome. British Assocation of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting 2011
K Kassam, S Kumar, T Lloyd. An audit of Medpor Implants. British Assocation of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting 2011
J Collier, S Kumar. Facial Aesthetics. British Assocation of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting 2011
S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Characterisation of craniosynostosis in a Crouzon murine model and potential pharmacological inhibition. Institute of Child Health Open Day 2011.
S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Identification of novel genes downstream of Fgfr2 contributing to synostosis of the coronal suture in a mouse model for Crouzon syndrome. British Society of Developmental Biology 2012.
S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Identification of novel genes downstream of Fgfr2 contributing to synostosis of the coronal suture in a mouse model for Crouzon syndrome. Young Embryologist's Network 2012.
S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Identification of novel genes downstream of Fgfr2 contributing to synostosis of the coronal suture in a mouse model for Crouzon syndrome. European Association of CranioMaxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2012.
S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Identification of novel genes downstream of Fgfr2 contributing to coronal suture synostosis in a murine model for Crouzon syndrome. Institute of Child Health Open Day 2012.
S Kumar, E Peskett, JA Britto, E Pauws. Identification of novel genes downstream of Fgfr2 contributing to coronal suture synostosis in a murine model for Crouzon syndrome. American Society of Human Genetics 2012.
S Aurora, S Kumar. Biological Dentistry and Zirconia Dental Implants. International Congress of Oral Implantologists 2020.
2000 International Association of Dental Research (IADR) US$2,500 “Lasers in the Prevention of Root Caries”
2006 Medical Student Elective Funding (£ 3456.00) “Study on 43 patients with sagittal craniosynostoses”
2009 Singapore National Research Foundation/ National Medical Research Council Overseas Scholarship (S$800,000) “High Density Array Technologies and new insights into the genetics of craniosynostosis”
2009 British Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Endowments Grant (£11,708.05) “High Density Array Technologies and new insights into the genetics of craniosynostosis”