Dr Samintharaj Kumar
Nervous Patients
I frequently see Nervous Patients in my clinics.
Whilst the majority of patients can be managed with a gentle or jovial manner, some patients have particular reasons as to why they may be afraid of the dentist. This could be due to a vividly unhappy childhood experience or recent experience.
Having Complex Dental Treatment whilst being a Nervous Patient is only possible with:
1. Having a confident doctor or dentist who is able to empathise with you and know how best to calm you.
2. An appropriately skilled team of nurses and front desk personnel who can hold your hand from the first phonecall till the end of your treatment.
3. A treatment time which is shortened with the right choice of anaesthesia and specific experience that the doctor or dentist might have.
All patients want painless treatment and a fuss-free smooth experience. The desire to achieve both objectives have been instilled into every single dentist and employee of Nuffield Dental.
During your consultation, I will evaluate your problems and inform you of various treatment options. If you wish to proceed, kindly let my team know and they will arrange a time and date for the procedure. Most surgical services at Nuffield Dental can be performed under Local Anaesthesia, Relative Analgesia (Laughing Gas), Intravenous Sedation or General Anaesthesia.